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Accounts and Customer Technologies

Synoptic serves businesses, organizations, groups and individuals as customers.

Your Account

An account with Synoptic is available for free to anyone, all you need is a valid email address. Accounts allow you to create data access credentials and use our data services to discover new forms of public and restricted data. 

Synoptic offers a small number of products which can be used without an account (anonymously) but in order to download data, or engage with more advanced data and value-added services, an account will be required.

Creating an account

If you have never had a Synoptic account before, creating an account can be started from any of our product sites. Click “Sign up” wherever the option is offered, or visit to get started.

You will first be encouraged to create an individual sign in. This is meant to be used by one person, and if you or your contract permits multiple individuals to access your account, additional sign-ins can be used to connect to one Synoptic account. We refer to individual sign ins on an account as “Team Members”.

Once you are signed in, and have verified your email address, you will have to fill out our quick signup information form. This asks questions about your affiliations and intentions with our products. We may reach out to you depending on your responses to these answers.

After you submit this form your account is automatically created. To start you will be configured with our Open Access service level. From there you can activate an enterprise trial, which temporarily grants access to more advanced features you can use with one of our enterprise service contracts.

You can immediately create keys and tokens, and use them to make data requests. You can also use any of our web-based products, such as data download and data availability.

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