Glossary of terms and labels
Explanation of the terms and labels on the Partner Dashboard.
Term | Explanation |
Acquisition method | The technical mechanism of data transfer. |
Acquisition type | The broad characterization of whether Synoptic receives data by requesting it (PULL) or if it is delivered to us (PUSH). |
Average latency | Time difference between report timestamps and data availability, averaged for all reporting platforms. |
Contract line item | The NMP contract line item under which this platform's observations are counted. |
Contracted platforms | The number of contracted platforms grouped by contribution type. |
Daily network availability | Days available vs the number of possible days in the period. |
Daily platform availability | The average number of platforms reporting at least once per day compared to the contracted number of platforms. |
Days network was available | The number of days during the period where a connection between Synoptic and the provider was established. |
Days platform was available | Number of days in period the platform made at least one report. |
Expected latency | A summary or average of all expected latency values for all platforms included in the platform inventory. |
Expected total reports | The total number of reports expected in the period based on the expected frequency for all platforms in the network. If a network includes more platforms than contracted, this value is the lowest number of expected reports for the number of platforms contracted. |
Fractional hours | Number of hours on road measured against 160-hour threshold. |
Hourly network availability | Hours available vs the number of possible hours in the period. |
Hours (vehicle) | Number of hours on road. |
Hours network was available | The number of hours during the period where a connection between Synoptic and the provider was established. |
MADIS category | How MADIS is expected to categorize the data from this provider. This is for reference purposes and does not affect how MADIS has actually categorized any provider data. |
Network availability | Hours network is accessible by Synoptic systems. |
Platform category | Platform categorization: Professional Plus (Pro+) or Professional (Pro) (if applicable). |
Platform expected latency | A provided description of the expected amount of time required for the average observation from a given site to be delivered to Synoptic and/or MADIS. |
Platform provider identity | The name and identifier of the platform provided to Synoptic. |
Platform received reports | The total number of reports received from the platform during the period as well as a percentage of the expected number of reports during the period given the provided expected frequency. |
Platform report latency | The average amount of time between when an observation timestamp is assigned and when it is received at Synoptic for the period. |
Platform reporting frequency | Provided expected interval between report timestamps in minutes. This is the inverse of the number of reports per unit time. |
Platforms | The number of distinct mobile platforms that reported obesrvations in the period. |
Platforms (aircraft) | The number of distinct aircraft that reported observations in the period. |
Platforms (surface mobile) | Total number of vehicles reporting in the period. |
Platforms available in period | The total number of platforms that reported at least once during the period compared to the contracted number of platforms. |
Platforms included in inventory | The number of unique platforms for which metadata has been provided and no request to remove has been received. This is neither a function of data flow nor contract expectations. |
Platforms meeting requirements | Number of platforms operating as measured against the 160-hour reference value threshold (20 days per month, 8 hours per day). |
Platforms reporting daily | The average number of platforms reporting each day over the entire period. |
Platforms reporting in period | The number of platforms that reported at least once during the period. |
Possible platform reports | Daily reports received vs the number of reports that would be expected if every site included in the inventory were reporting. Can be above 100% if stations report more frequently than expected. |
Received reports | The total number of unique timestamps indicated from every included platform in the network inventory. |
Report percentage | Percentage of received reports to expected reports for all contracted platforms, based on the expected reporting frequency of each contracted platform. More information here. |
Soundings | Total number of ascents and descents. |
Synoptic platform identifier | A unique 5-10 character identifier used by Synoptic to process data and metadata for a platform. Due to issues of platform ID reuse, these identifiers often differ from those used by a provider. |