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Network Types

Returns network category metadata

Request Format


Returns a list of network types. You can also see a list of them here.

Acquiring data from this web service requires certain parameters. When encoding URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character and their value is indicated by an equal sign (=). Below is a list of accepted parameters.

  • token (required), Your application’s API token. This is used to identify who is requesting API data. You are never required to use multiple tokens, but you can use as many as you need. Learn more in our tokens overview.

Optional Parameters

  • id, An internal SynopticLabs ID number for the network type. Example: id=1,2,3

Response Format Parameters

  • output (json [default], xml), Indicates the response format of the request. It’s recommended to use the JSON format which there are well supported parsing libraries in all major languages.

Request Response

JSON Format

The QC Types service will return its results in a single organized and self describing JSON object. At a minimum, every request will return a JSON object with a "SUMMARY" field.

An example JSON response would be:

        start: "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        end: "2023-07-31T17:55:00Z"
      DESCRIPTION: "Agricultural",
      ID: "1",
      NAME: "AG"
    DATA_PARSING_TIME: "0.00119209289551 ms",
    VERSION: "v2.21.0",
    TOTAL_DATA_TIME: "25.0599384308 ms",
    METADATA_RESPONSE_TIME: "0.0250558853149 ms"

    • NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS, (always returned) is a integer value of the number of stations returned.

    • RESPONSE_CODE, (always returned) is a numerical code indicating the status of the request.

      • “1” = “OK”

      • “2” = “Zero Results”

      • “200” = “Authentication failure”

      • “400” = “Violates a rule of the API”

    • RESPONSE_MESSAGE, (always returned) is a string explaining the RESPONSE_CODE.


    • DESCRIPTION, description of network.

    • NAME, short name of network type.

    • ID, network type ID.

    • PERIOD_OF_RECORD, furthest extent of reporting history across all networks of the type.

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