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Data Download Tool

The Data Download tool provides access to environmental data from thousands of locations across Synoptic’s dataset. It is designed to fetch data from one station at a time in CSV format. If you need to download data from more than a couple dozen stations or want to access current or past conditions over a region, we recommend our API data services.  

The provisional data available from the data download tool are intended for diverse user applications. For data required for a court of law or regulatory purposes, review the information available from the NCEI or consult a CCM

The download service may be used to request multiple data sets sequentially and have them process at the same time. A single request may cover a time span from a single hour up to 22 years. Due to events like stations becoming inactive and inactive, there may be gaps in the period you request which are not indicated before you request data. The download tool does not remove any data. You decide the variables you prefer to download including parameters commonly derived from the information available at that station.

Getting your data

Once the CSV download is ready, two options are available to retrieve it:

  • Click a link and download in your browser

  • Use a URL and web tools such as wget or curl to import the data into another program or application

  • Requests are usually filled quickly but your download files are available for up to three days after they are created

Now click New Download and get started!

If you need any help, feel free to contact us.

Quality control

Only the default QC flags are applied on these data, and those will remove observations Synoptic confidently assesses are unphysical and outside the reasonable range of the variable being represented. The tool does not give access to any additional QC information at this time. 

Data disclaimer

As described in the data disclaimer, data available from Synoptic are considered provisional. Data deemed to fail Synoptic data checks are not available to download via the Download service.

Download Limit

The download service limits the number of in-progress and complete downloads based on your customer settings. Within the download service, the 🔌 tab will display your limit, the amount used, and remaining number of requests available. 3 days after a request the download link will expire and you will have another download available. You can contact to discuss options to raise your limit.

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